Layering Facebook Ads Content Marketing – Turn Ice-Cold Fans Into Cash-In-Hand Buyers

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Do you want cash in hand buyers?

Yea, we all do.

It’s not as hard as it sounds.

The plan is simple layering Facebook Ads content marketing to put content in front of cold audiences. Use different content with different ads to warm them up further. More ads to make your offer. Add some email marketing to nurture and to speed up the process.

Ready to dig in a see all the gory details? Good, let us go.

Sequencing content to warm up audiences is a marketing funnel. Only lobbying ads at audiences hoping for sales is a waste of cash. Let us say it is more enjoyable to burn €50 notes in the BBQ!!

High bounce rates on blog posts and informational pages do not matter

High bounce rates on action-oriented pages i.e. newsletter sign-up, add to cart, chat, contact us and sales pages do matter and require immediate action to fix.

Don’t worry, this is Urban Renström, there is always science and research involved in everything I talk about, teach, and demonstrate.

Layering Facebook Ads Content Marketing is how you sequence Audiences

Yea, I said it.

‘Ice cold audiences’ are people who don’t know you from Adam.

Right? You are a stranger. Strangers like people in the Starbucks queue this morning, or the fish and chips takeaway last night.

Strangers have no inkling, no affiliation, no prior knowledge of you or your unique magical mastery. Nothing. Zero.

And your precious Facebook Fan?

They are NOT red hot leads ready to throw cash at you.

Don’t think so? Disagree? Ok riddle me this:

How many of your Facebook Fans have visited your website? 50%, 10%, 5%, less?

Don’t like to measure by that metric, ok.

How many of your Fans are in your CRM or email database? Go check, I’ll wait. 50%, 10%, 5%, less?

So, very few fans have visited your website. Fewer have handed over their email. Hum…does not sound like cash in hand buyer are knocking your door down.

Why care if fans are cold or hot?

Because people ‘gotta know you, like you, and trust you, before they buy from you”.

Cold fans are not ready to buy from you.

Do this mental gymnastics.

If you put everyone who knows you into a circle, where are your Fans and Followers?

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Circle of Trust — Cold is Social, Red Hot is the Repeat Customer

Facebook Fans And Social Followers Are Cold Audience, Repeat Customers Are Hot. Content Build Trust Equity Warming Up Cold Fans

Fans and followers are the coldest, least trusting connections you have. While repeat customers are warmest and trusting connections.

I’m not suggesting you’ve done anything to break their trust. The opposite.

You’ve not done enough to build up trust.

It’s not all bad news. Your Fans are brand aware of you.

If you hit a cold audience with your super special special offer people will ignore it.

Yea, some will buy.

But, every once in a while a blind squirrel finds an acorn also. Does that mean the bling squirrel will survive the winter?

We both know the answer.

Further, people ignoring your ads is bad for your Facebook advertising health. Yep.

Ignored ads have low relevance score, high CPM, and high CPC. Worse, if it can get worse, Facebook won’t show poor performing ads to people.

Do This Instead: Warm Up Cold Fans With Content

Break the ice with content. Not any ‘old content thrown up on your Facebook Page. No, but, targeted, helpful, and useful content that solves a problem.

Does making ‘content’ sound scary? Does it sound like work? To much effort?

Yes and yes.

But, I know you can do it. It’s not that difficult.

Is that the voice in your head is saying ‘don’t do it you’ll embarrass yourself’, or ‘don’t do it you’ll fail’.

Yes, that little voice is in my head too and that little devil voice will always be there. Nagging, intrusive, questioning everything you do.

You know what? Prove it wrong. Ok?


Remember. Action. Removes. Doubt. Always.

How? How Does Content Build Trust with People?

The simple act of writing and publishing on your website starts the trust cycle.

Genuine helpful articles, educational, useful articles. Not articles disguised as advertisements.

Let’s put this together in a simple case study.

Business Coach Case Study

A Coach/Lawyer/Consultant’s product is their services, but what’s sold is trust. The pain point is uncertainty.

‘Trust I can solve this legal problem for you’, ’Trust I can get you more business’, ‘Trust I know what I’m talking about’.

Uncertainty is the     gap     you need to bridge.

Bridge this    gap   with content.

Take for instance a finance business coach with a €999 coaching product. She has 1000 Facebook Fans on her page and an email list of 300 people.

She has a €999 coaching product it wants to sell. Yes, the FB Fans are a good target audience, but, they’re ‘cold’.

Instead warm up and get the fans interested with useful and helpful content piece. A “How To Get Overdue Accounts To Pay Up (And Avoid Getting Them In The Future)”.

Yes, a generic topic and funnily it applies to every business – which is exactly the point. We want to cast a wide net with the first Facebook advert.

Create two different ads to two different audiences.

First, create a normal post on the Facebook page and publish it. Go to Ad Manager / Power Editor and create a ‘Page Post Engagement’, PPE, campaign.

In the ad set select either ‘fans of this page’ or ‘friend of fans of this page’.

Create a second campaign, and this time use the “clicks to website” as the  objective, now called Traffic.

Keep the default bidding.

(Why default bidding? Because the Facebook ads engine is highly capable of delivering ‘what it says on the tin’, finding people in your audience who click on links taking them to website.)

Also, the default optimize for, uses oCPM bidding.

oCPM is powerful and much smarter than you or I will ever be at finding the best people.

Four Optimization and Pricing options for the ‘Click-to-Website Objectives. Select the Recommended ‘Link Clicks to Website/ Pay per Impressions’

This audience is a new.

Choose age group of 25 to 55, both genders with interest in business, living in Ireland.

Keen readers will notice the audience I’ve selected is broad. This 170K audience is out of 2.2 million in Ireland. the Greater Manchester, England area has population of 2.55 million.

Image is from Ads Manager With Above Characteristics
Top Tip – An effective audience size must be large – depends naturally on your country size.
The goal, the goal, for this campaign, is to get more people visiting your website. And we do this by casting a wide net.

People who do visit the website (and read the article) are now a warm audience. They are warm because they now, know you, and maybe like you.

This group is now brand aware.

In our circles of trust, from above, they are ‘Blog / Content Reader’.

Creating five or six different ads for this “clicks to website” audience.

Why 5-6 ads?

So you can test images. Difficult to know what image will resonate with an audience. Facebook will serve the individual ads to different section of your 100 – 200K audience.

Then, track your ads for relevance score, link clicks, CPM and CPC.

After the first 500 impressions, check the low relevancy score ads and stop any below 5.

What images to use? Try images that relates to the subject of the article. A person pulling their hair out, or image of a overdue accounts, or bank balance of zero or minus. Or show happy, smiling business owners – as in if you ‘read this article you to will be a happy business owner’.

Ensure you’ve installed the Facebook pixel on your website as it is essential.

The people who visited your website are now a ‘Blog / Content Reader’ audience. Are they ready to buy the €1000 coaching product? I do not know. And the only way to answer is to hit them with your sales pitch.

Have you bridged the trust gap?

Does reading one blog post bridge the trust gap?


People use several pieces of information before they make a decision

Repeat this process with different audience to build up your website custom audience size.

Wait! Download this simple 7 step Formula to Double your Clients using a Facebook Ads Strategy for your 6-Figure Business. It’s FREE!

Retarget your Website Visitors with Lead Generation Ads

Warm up Facebook Fans and your custom audience with your next piece of blog content. “30 ways to get higher paying clients”.

The CPC should be low when you target your Fans and use website custom audience. Aim for €0.1- 0.3 per click (my, CPC is different to your CPC, I’m including only as a base line touch point).

Next step is get the custom audience group to opt-in.

Opt-in to an eBook, a report, a case study, or a webinar on ‘how to avoid getting bad clients’.

Use the ‘Website Conversion’ or the ‘Lead Generation’ campaign objective and target the custom audience.

Why do this? Because an email audience is one step warmer then the ‘Blog / Content Reader’ audience.

Does this email marketing step complicate getting a sale? Email is another tool to use but, warms up prospects faster.

Also email is the preferred channel. People want brands to use email for contact (63%) instead of social (6%).

Give people what they want.

63% of office worker want brand to contact they using email! Only 6% said use social.

When people do opt-in they are one step warmer. #Winning

This is one Facebook Funnel you can use. And the only way to ensure success is to experiment with your own audiences, lead magnets, and content.

Let me know in the comments below what ads are working for you.

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